

Vicki Kubler LaBoskey is a former Professor of Education, who is now retired. For the last twenty years she has been engaged with painting and drawing as a hobby. Most of her work is in oil, more recently, oil and cold wax.

Artist Statement

My primary interest is in the figure at various levels of abstraction. I focus most on the female figure because that is who I am and what I know best. I find my inspiration in photos, either those I have taken in my travels or those of master photographers in magazines and newspapers and for the latter I am most grateful. The aim is not to copy any of these, but to use them as jumping off places. More recently, photos of myself have also become a starting point. My desire is to capture some of life’s interesting moments and most importantly the emotional experience of those moments. I am especially pleased when different viewers respond to a piece in different ways. For me, it is all about the process, but in this website I am sharing some of my favorite outcomes in the hope that they might provide others with their own moments of resonance or curiosity. Enjoy!